So, you’ve finally decided to hire a virtual assistant. If you’re looking for someone to complete those tasks that just can’t be automated, then this is the perfect move for you. Now, the question is from all the options we have out in the market what you would need to consider the most when hiring a Virtual Assistant. And that is exactly what we are going to talk about here.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant to do daily tasks is still important no matter how routine they are. You must hire someone reliable to ensure that you don’t need to worry about getting tasks not being completed correctly or in a timely matter or maybe not the way how you want it to be done.
If you don’t hire someone reliable you will just end up redoing all those tasks yourself and have a though in your mind that having a VA is more than a headache than it’s worth.
Some if not all Virtual Assistants handle some level of sensitive information. Anything from email addresses, birthdates, credit card details when booking a hotel or paying something online. So, it would be best that you gauge your potential VA on what the importance of honesty is to them. And if possible, check for any references that can vet for them.
Attention to Detail
You will want to add this to your list. Virtual Assistants often interact with clients, handle important bookings or setting appointments for the day. You’ll want someone who takes the extra time to double check everything before they execute. No point in doing it fast if you end up redoing it since it was wrong.
When hiring a Virtual Assistant always look for someone who is resourceful. VA’s that has this trait typically are not afraid to face a challenge as they tend to utilize their tools, creativity, and experience to solve them. This is a must have for any Virtual Assistant.
If clients are interacting with your Virtual Assistant, it’s vital that the VA is kind. In a way, your Virtual Assistant is kind of like your “storefront,” or the first perception your client gets of your company. If your VA is rude, it is a poor reflection on you and your brand. Find someone who prioritizes people and knows how to navigate conflicts with kindness.
Ability to Multitask
It is believed that multi-tasking is not applicable to all profession but for Virtual Assistants, it’s very handy to have. When hiring for a VA look for someone who can schedule, handle clients, organize tasks and so on without being overwhelmed. The ability to multitask will help a virtual assistant keep the ball rolling and the company moving forward.
You need to be able to count on your Virtual Assistant to follow through and follow up on tasks you assign them and with clients. If they aren’t dependable, then they will make mistakes and in return clients will feel neglected, and you may end up doing the work yourself. When hiring a VA, ask questions that can give you insight into how dependable they are.
Full of Ideas
A Virtual Assistant that offers new ideas to the able is a keeper. Best to avoid the one’s that would just wait around for you to tell them what they need to do next. How much better would it be if you hired someone who is always bringing new ideas on how to increase productivity?
Basic Social Media Skills
Chances are, you’ll hire a social media manager to handle your social media accounts, but the time may come when your Virtual Assistant may need to pop into your Twitter account and fix something or spruce up your LinkedIn account. As such, your VA should know the basics of the top social media platform you use. Again, this isn’t an absolute must, but it is a bonus.
Internet Research Skills
A Virtual Assistant that knows how to navigate the internet is worth their weight in gold. Many VA’s have the tools they know how to use, but an awesome virtual assistant will branch out and find the best tools, the best deals, and new approaches to completing work.
In a Nutshell
Hiring a Virtual Assistant can help with your overall productivity as it lessens the things on your plate. To make sure you hire a good fit, review the skills we listed above and see which one’s are priority for you then from there make sure that the Virtual Assistant you’ll be hiring has those skills and qualifications.